1. Indonesia PUPUK KALTIM 2XZDFR16S, baking calcium, fertilizer
2. Peruvian Rainforest Cement Company ZDFR6S, baked clay
3. ZDYR6, ZDYR12 Baking Coal Powder of Shatnajran Cement Co., Ltd.
4. Kazakhstan Almaty Cement Co., Ltd. ZDFR2S, ZDFR4S, baked clay
5. 1.2 million tons/year pellet project ZDFR5M, ZDFR16S baking concentrate of India Xindia Company
6. Indian BMM and AISC. The company's 1.2 million tons/year pellet project ZDFR3M with medium speed coal mill
7. Mongolia KHUTUL Cement Plant ZDYR6 oil-fired hot blast stove, pulverized coal
8. Rwanda Cement Plant 1500t/d Cement Production Line ZDYR3, Burning Light Diesel
9.Russia KIMKAN iron ore dressing plant 2XZDFR25S, baked iron concentrate
10. Indonesia PT. TIMAS SUPLIND0 fertilizer company ZDQ(Y)2, ZDQ(Y)4 oil and gas dual-purpose furnace, drying compound fertilizer
11. India USHA 1.2 million tons/year pellet project ZDFR-2M with medium speed coal mill, ZDFR-10S dry iron powder